What Is Chiropractic?

“There is a vast difference between treating effects and adjusting the cause”

— Dr. DD Palmer, Father of Chiropractic

Chiropractic is the only profession in the world that specializes in restoring spinal nerve function and communication through specific adjustments.

Our nervous system is in control of every function in our bodies and is comprised of our brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. These nerves exit out of the bones in our spine, called vertebrae. When the spine misaligns, pressure on these nerves can occur. This is called a subluxation.

Subluxations often lead to nerve interference, meaning that the spinal nerves cannot communicate effectively with the rest of the body. This is when dysfunction, pain, and disease begin to occur. In our office, we use an advanced chiropractic technique to locate, analyze, and correct these subluxations, allowing your nervous system to function how it was created to.

Subluxations do not always cause pain. In fact, pain is typically the last symptom to arise when a subluxation is present in your body. You may also experience some of the following:

  • Sciatica

  • Colic in children

  • Infertility

  • Decreased Immunity

  • Dizziness

  • Gastric Reflux

  • Low Energy

  • Headaches


  • Allergies

  • Depression/Anxiety

  • Trouble Sleeping

Principled, neurologically-based chiropractic care aims to restore proper communication throughout the nervous system and not just pain-relief. Although we do care about your pain, we want to ensure your body is working and functioning at it’s best, which was the original intention of chiropractic when it was created in 1895. We want to find the root cause of your problems, not just mask your symptoms with temporary relief.